On a speech about the school and the teachers Dr kalam said"When we see a child, we see the innocent smile of the child. When we come across, the child in the Primary School, the smile is reduced, since the child has to carry a heavy school bag. When we see the child in their teens, their smile slowly fades away and the sign of concern appears. This is because of the anxiety about the future. When they complete their education, the question uppermost in their mind is, what will I do after my education? Will I get an employment? Will I get a proper employment? Can the Principals see this dynamics of smiles of the child and preserve the smile in their faces when they complete their school education. The Student should be confident that “he can do it”, he should have the self esteem and the capability to become an employment generator rather being an employment seeker. This transformation can only be brought about by a Principal who has a vision to transform, who has the ability to take risk against all challenges, who is a good listener, who is a good innovator, who maintains a cordial inter-personal or intrapersonal relationship and who has the ability to carry the parents, community, media and the teachers for accomplishing the vision of generating an enlightened citizen for the nation. Now let me share my views of an ideal principal. An ideal principal
Some time back, I met a principal who have become a role model to all his students. I asked the Principal what was the secret of his success. He told me the following:
Some time back, I met a principal who have become a role model to all his students. I asked the Principal what was the secret of his success. He told me the following:
a) He has been able to adopt himself to the age of the student.
b) As a principal, he makes sure that he takes two to three classes per week.
c) He considers that he is a teacher first and a principal later.
d) He practices everything he expects his students to do.
e) He ensures transparency in all his transactions and treats all students alike, irrespective of their religion, caste, language and economic status.
f) He has a foresight and visualizes the student’s growth in long term perspective.
g) During the 11 years of his tenure, he has ensured that at least 2000 students who were average performers have been groomed to excel in their studies.
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