2. Infrastructure: Apart from rural and urban infrastructure, one million homes have to be built with energy efficiency and water efficiency.
3. Automobile: The export has to be 50% of our output
4. Ship Building: High Dead weight ships have to be built in the country.
5. Information and Communication technology: We have to keep pace with the growth inspite of global recession by applying ICT for India.
6. Pharma: India must account for atleast 25% of generic drug produced worldover.
7. Aerospace: 70 seater passenger jet aircraft has to be designed and developed involving 20 billion dollars of market
8. Railvision: Railway length has to be increased, metros have to come for faster transportation and multi-level station systems have to become operational to reduce city crowding, average speed of the train has to be doubled.
9. PURA mission: 7000 PURA complexes have to become operation to bring sustainable development to the rural sector.
10. Energy Independence: By 2030, we should attain energy independence through renewable energy sources such as solar and wind; nuclear and bio-fuels for transportation.
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