All medical students must have some of these points in mind and be dedicated to work for saving others life. This was said to the students of government medical students in Trivandrum.
1.I love my medical profession a noble mission.
2. I will follow the motto “Let my care, remove the pain and bring smiles”.
3. I will be a life long learner, I will practice what I learn and I will train my team to be competent.
4. I will deliver quality care with high standards irrespective of whom I am treating.
5. I will not introduce any diagnostic pain.
6. If any patient is unhappy with my treatment, I will find out the causes and treat the patient with utmost care and free of cost.
7. I will work with integrity and succeed with integrity.
8. I will continuously work for complete cure and social acceptance of all leukoderma, HIV AIDS and leprosy patients.
9. I will make my profession, patients my passion and service to patients my obsession.
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