WHY WE NEED A GOOD INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE HOSPITALS. LET ME SAY WHY?.............In 1979, a six member team was preparing the flight version of a complex second stage control system of SLV-3 for static test and evaluation. The team was in countdown mode at T-15 minutes (15 minutes before the test). One of the twelve valves did not respond during checkout. Anxiety drove the members of the team to the test site to look into the problem. Suddenly the oxidizer tank, filled with red fuming nitric acid (RFNA) under pressure, burst, causing severe acid burns to the team members. It was very traumatic experience to see the suffering of the injured. My friend Kurup and I rushed to the Trivandrum Medical College hospital and begged to have our colleagues admitted, as six beds were not available in the hospital at that point of time. The hospital had to erect clean tents to admit and treat the burn injury patients. I am giving this example to show the importance of identifying and nominating hospitals who have adequate availability of beds for treatment of burn injury cases while dealing with the safety of particular chemical manufacturing unit in a given region.
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